Well, of course it's been almost a good 3 months. A lot has been going on and not a lot has been going on. That means, a lot has been going on...but not a lot of interesting things.
Good thing #1: I'm doing well in school! haha praise God. I think I have finally gotten myself straight with this whole school thing and am starting to get better at it.
Interesting thing #1: I've gotten way more into
Good thing #2: Past 2 weeks I've been goin to this bible study with some other college kids in the good ole Wayne County and it's been great. I've met new people (in Wayne Co. -- what a thought) and it can only get better from here! :)
Interesting thing #2: I'm finally getting my hair back to natural looking...no more bleach blonde for me haha. It was good while it lasted. Got it done today though and it looks gooood, holla at Heather Weeks if you tryna get ya hair did! (Oh and Cara Narron because she's just awesome.)
That last interesting fact wasn't really that interesting but I didn't wanna have only 1 so I had to think of something else. NEwayz (as we used to say in middle school)...Ima just go head and end this right now rather than rambling.
OH! And maybe I'm really late, I don't know..but just recently discovered Cartel's new CD "Cycles". Yeeeah boiii, pick dat up on ya way to
Hope yall have a great Easter! Holla at me when you're in Gboro ;)
-Mal P
*PS: if anyone has any requests of topics they would like for me to blog about, lemme knowww cause I just think that would be fun/hilarious. so gimme some suggestions!