Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Homecomings

Okay so the reason for the title is because first of all, everyone has to go to this link --> <-- and watch/listen to this video of "Come, Thou Fount" by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I could listen to them all day long they are so amazing and powerful! My dad was telling me about how one day when he was staying the hotel across the street in Utah, he woke up early one morning and went over to hear them rehearse. He was the ONLY person in there other than the choir and I can't even imagine how awesome that would be to hear them rehearse/sing in there. Anyway, that's just a little random thought for the moment. Seriously though, watch the WHOLE video, it gets better and better.

Moving this past weekend was full of Homecomings: Aycock and Stoney Creek.
--Friday afternoon I went to lunch with my long lost TINA and ELISA!!! I missed themmm and it was so great to catch up with them and laugh at my extensions haha. Then that afternoon I went over to Kelly's house to help her get ready for the Homecoming parade and I picked up Madison from school! Ahhh it was so weird, the last time I went through that car pool like was when I was in probably like 6th grade. Then me and Madi went to the parade, and later went to the football game. The football game is always fun cause there's tons of people and you get to see lots of old friends. This year was special though because 2 of my best friends from Wilmington, Katie and Kristie, were in Goldsboro for the weekend! But it was great seeing everyone, and Kel won Junior Class Homecoming Princess, yaaay!! She looked beautiful, as always and I love her!!
--Then yesterday I went to that Chili Challenge thing downtown with the parents (made me think of Laura Lee, haha!! ohhh Girl Scouts) and then went BACK over to Kelly's to help Madison get ready for the HC dance that night. Loooord, let me tell you it was a time! That child could not decide how she wanted to wear her hair but we finally told her that it was going to look fine and she gave in and let me do what I wanted haha. (Of course she ended up loving it) After that I went to the Miss Goldsboro pageant with Jessica and Katie, that was fun even though the only person we knew in it was Julia (who did amazing, by the way).
--So now we come to today: this morning I went to the Homecoming service for Stoney Creek FWB. They had it out at Aycock this year so that everyone could be together in the same service and they had it all decorated really nice and Mr. Mark (aka: Colonel Mark Kelly, aka: Kara's Dad) was the guest speaker. His talk was really cool cause he could speak from a different perspective about "Homecomings" than anyone else. But all-in-all it was a great time, once again I got to see lots of friends and families and had a good ole time talking with Emilee and Kristen B afterwards haha. Oh Lord we could go for days. And I could go for days with this blog but I won't do that.....dang, this one was long.

Hope everyone's doing great and has a great week!! Halloween is on Saturday, be safe!!

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