Thursday, July 15, 2010

"When you are through changing, you are through." -Bruce Barton

Alright, of course it's been months since my last post...did I call it? Or did I call it? Anyways, a lot has been going on since December or whenever it was (I don't even remember), but honestly, I don't feel like typing that much so I'm just gonna make this short(ish).

Memorial Day Weekend: My whole family went to DC with The Johnsons (aka, Hadley's boyfriend's family), they are awesome! Okay, here's the deal..I did not even wanna go on this trip at first cause I just didn't think it'd be all it was cracked up to be....Boy, was I WRONG! We camped in VA and then rode our bikes into and around DC everyday. It was so much fun and hilarious!! On the last night (Sunday) we went to the concert at The Capitol Building with the National Symphony...that was pretty sweet. This trip was so much fun I can't even explain it, the Johnsons are hilarious and so much fun. It's funny seeing the differences between my family with 3 girls and their family with 4 boys, but that makes it so much better! Definitely looking forward to more trips with them in the future!

July 4th Weekend: Louise and I went to Savannah for the weekend to stay with my cousin Amy and Aunt Nancy. We went out on my other cousin Sean's boat all day, every day, which was always awesome. On the way down there we actually stopped at McDonald's for a quick bathroom break which ended up being a 30 minute wait for Louise's chicken wrap and my Smoothie. There, Louise met a family that said I looked exactly (and I mean EXACTLY) like their daughter who they had just put on a plane to Pittsburgh! We also saw a girl wearing her pajamas, but not just like a tshirt and sweats...this girl had on a "cute" little shorts and shirt outfit that had some sort of matching design. Let's just say, this looked like something my mom would offense, Mom. Louise and I laughed so much and had a really good time...except for a little misfortune on the way home :( haha...we won't go into detail. But all-around, the weekend was great and it's always fun to be with family.

Last weekend: Hadley, Mom, and I met the Johnsons out at Lake Buckhorn in Wilson, NC, to just hangout and ride their jet skis. Well, uhhh, we thought we were gonna ride the jet skis until a serious of unfortunate events took place and the jet skis were no longer functioning haha. Phillip (Bennett's bro) and I had a small James Bond movie moment out in the middle of the lake when we (yeah, WE, not just ME...Phil!) flipped the jet ski and then couldn't get it to start again. So, we're just chillin out in the middle of the lake hoping that no one comes speeding by to sever our heads with their boat motor. Haha sike, that wouldn't have really happened! Well, when Phil finally got the jet ski going again, he came whisking by at amazing speeds, grabbed my hand, and hoisted me up on the back and we sped away into the sunset. It was intense!! HAHA well it didn't happen exactly like that but it was pretty close. Anyway, later that night we went back to the Johnsons for dinner and of course, the fun didn't stop there...but I am.

This weekend, Hadley's friend Kelby from Oklahoma (OOOOOOOOOO -- klahamoa! Where the wind comes sweepin down the plains!!) and we're going to the mountains where I have no been in 3 years!!!! Well, I haven't been to our mountain cottage in 3 years, anyway. It is one of my favorite places and I cannot wait!! Next weekend, we're taking another 'Cousins Trip' to NYC and it will be completely filled with baseball, baseball, baseball! We're going to the whole series with Kansas City and we can't wait! (If for some reason you don't know me at all or any of my family or are just completely dumb, I am referring to the Yankees baseball games. Go Yankees!!) We are continuing to pray for Mr. Steinbrenner's family and friends.

I hope everybody has a great weekend and hopefully I'll remember to update more, except I don't know if yall care about my life but it don't mattaaaa. :) LOVE YALL!! Leave ya girl some comments, dang! Deuces.

Mal P

Monday, March 22, 2010

Almost forgot a title for this post!....And now I can't think of one.

Alright, so before anything I gotta explain the picture. This was taken in February 2007 at the Cartel concert in Carrboro. Raaaandomly came across it and just wanted to put it out there that we met Boys Like Girls (well, I know at least one of these guys is from them) before dey was famous. Oh wassuuup, holla at me.

Well, of course it's been almost a good 3 months. A lot has been going on and not a lot has been going on. That means, a lot has been going on...but not a lot of interesting things.
Good thing #1: I'm doing well in school! haha praise God. I think I have finally gotten myself straight with this whole school thing and am starting to get better at it.
Interesting thing #1: I've gotten way more into Twitter. TWEET ME!: @mallorypeacock -- no seriously guys, follow me and I will follow you. And if you don't have twitter, get one and follow me because it's actually way more interesting than I thought it was at first.
Good thing #2: Past 2 weeks I've been goin to this bible study with some other college kids in the good ole Wayne County and it's been great. I've met new people (in Wayne Co. -- what a thought) and it can only get better from here! :)
Interesting thing #2: I'm finally getting my hair back to natural more bleach blonde for me haha. It was good while it lasted. Got it done today though and it looks gooood, holla at Heather Weeks if you tryna get ya hair did! (Oh and Cara Narron because she's just awesome.)

That last interesting fact wasn't really that interesting but I didn't wanna have only 1 so I had to think of something else. NEwayz (as we used to say in middle school)...Ima just go head and end this right now rather than rambling.

OH! And maybe I'm really late, I don't know..but just recently discovered Cartel's new CD "Cycles". Yeeeah boiii, pick dat up on ya way to FYE of whereva yall hoes getcha music. It's good, as usual....I wouldn't expect any less from Cartel.

Hope yall have a great Easter! Holla at me when you're in Gboro ;)
-Mal P

*PS: if anyone has any requests of topics they would like for me to blog about, lemme knowww cause I just think that would be fun/hilarious. so gimme some suggestions!

Monday, December 21, 2009

"Life is either a daring adventure or nothing."

I just wanted to start off by saying that the quote in my Title for this blog is by Helen Keller. I'm not real sure how she said that seeing as see was deaf. Then I thought, "she must've written it or something" buuut I thought she was blind, too? Ehh, whatever, she must've brailled it or something.

Well, once again, it's been about 2 months...

I honestly can't remember everything that's happened...I think we had Halloween, Thanksgiving...well, those are the big ones. Last weekend, Jessica and I decided to try out a new, very different church so we went to Deeper Life Christian Ministries. Oh yes, it was awesome. The choir was amazing and all of the leaders/soloists, the band, the preacher (I forget what they call him) was all great. We got so many handshakes and hugs you wouldn't even believe. I have never felt more welcomed and better received at a church in my life. It was really a great experience and oh yeah, we are planning to go back another Sunday before Jessica has to go back to Wilmington! :)

Anyways, I am finally on Christmas Break! I haven't had class since last Wednesday, but I just took my last exam today....finally...again. This past weekend had it's ups and downs...what would have been my 4th Bonfire (2 Birthday & 2 Christmas) had to be canceled because of never-ending rain but it ended up okay because a bunch of people came over to my house anyways. Always a good time. By the end of the night we were playing Apples to Apples and Catchphrase, like the mature adults that we are. The next night I had the 7th Annual Girls' Christmas Party with a bunch of the girls I graduated with and we went for Round 2 of Catchphrase. Once again, always a good time. There were lots of good presents, of course a couple Victoria's Secret giftcards in the mix somewhere, and can't forget those ever-useful Target of my personal favorites.

OH GOSH! I completely forgot to mention the fact that I got my hair cut. No, CHOPPED. When I say "chopped" I don't mean that in a sort of "Oh crap, it looks terrible" way, but rather a "Oh crap, it's really short" way. It IS really short and REALLY blonde...but I love it! I can't believe how quickly I got used to it you can see in the picture, it's now ABOVE my shoulders. I don't think I've had my hair this short since I was about...hmmm, 3 or 4? Haha, the bowl-cut...thanks Janet. But yes, my hair is REALLY short and REALLY blonde so you can pretty much get a good mental image of that for yourself. I've already received the comments of "Lady GaGa" and "Kellie Pickler"...I'm not a fan of the latter, I don't think it's as short as her's was, and it is definitely not that ugly red that she has now.

But back to the weekend... the Christmas party was fun as always and it was great to get to see most everybody again and hang out....and eat. (....oh, and get presents..) Speaking of Christmas parties, tonight our Supper Club had the annual "Kids Christmas Party" and that was hilarious as usual. I had Heyward's name for the gift exchange and Dad had the GRAND idea of hot-glueing leaves to the box rather than wrapping it like a traditional present. Now, Heyward does like to go "huntin" and "fishin" and all that great stuff, so I guess the "Camo wrapping" was appropriate, but it was still funny. Needless to say, after Heyward "unwrapped" the leaves there was a mess on the floor.

All-in-all it's been a good time since my last post and I have nothing to complain about...which I really hope I never do because I'm sure whoever looks at this doesn't want to read that. So until next time -- which will probably be another 2 months -- Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and Happy 20th Birthday to MEEEEE on February 5th!! Haha


Sunday, October 25, 2009

Mormon Tabernacle Choir & Homecomings

Okay so the reason for the title is because first of all, everyone has to go to this link --> <-- and watch/listen to this video of "Come, Thou Fount" by the Mormon Tabernacle Choir. I could listen to them all day long they are so amazing and powerful! My dad was telling me about how one day when he was staying the hotel across the street in Utah, he woke up early one morning and went over to hear them rehearse. He was the ONLY person in there other than the choir and I can't even imagine how awesome that would be to hear them rehearse/sing in there. Anyway, that's just a little random thought for the moment. Seriously though, watch the WHOLE video, it gets better and better.

Moving this past weekend was full of Homecomings: Aycock and Stoney Creek.
--Friday afternoon I went to lunch with my long lost TINA and ELISA!!! I missed themmm and it was so great to catch up with them and laugh at my extensions haha. Then that afternoon I went over to Kelly's house to help her get ready for the Homecoming parade and I picked up Madison from school! Ahhh it was so weird, the last time I went through that car pool like was when I was in probably like 6th grade. Then me and Madi went to the parade, and later went to the football game. The football game is always fun cause there's tons of people and you get to see lots of old friends. This year was special though because 2 of my best friends from Wilmington, Katie and Kristie, were in Goldsboro for the weekend! But it was great seeing everyone, and Kel won Junior Class Homecoming Princess, yaaay!! She looked beautiful, as always and I love her!!
--Then yesterday I went to that Chili Challenge thing downtown with the parents (made me think of Laura Lee, haha!! ohhh Girl Scouts) and then went BACK over to Kelly's to help Madison get ready for the HC dance that night. Loooord, let me tell you it was a time! That child could not decide how she wanted to wear her hair but we finally told her that it was going to look fine and she gave in and let me do what I wanted haha. (Of course she ended up loving it) After that I went to the Miss Goldsboro pageant with Jessica and Katie, that was fun even though the only person we knew in it was Julia (who did amazing, by the way).
--So now we come to today: this morning I went to the Homecoming service for Stoney Creek FWB. They had it out at Aycock this year so that everyone could be together in the same service and they had it all decorated really nice and Mr. Mark (aka: Colonel Mark Kelly, aka: Kara's Dad) was the guest speaker. His talk was really cool cause he could speak from a different perspective about "Homecomings" than anyone else. But all-in-all it was a great time, once again I got to see lots of friends and families and had a good ole time talking with Emilee and Kristen B afterwards haha. Oh Lord we could go for days. And I could go for days with this blog but I won't do that.....dang, this one was long.

Hope everyone's doing great and has a great week!! Halloween is on Saturday, be safe!!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Savannah, Greenville, Raleigh, Wilmington....who wants me next??

Well things are goin just great at WCC so far. I've been able to visit more friends on the weekends and see people whenever they're home which is really nice. So far I've made it to Greenville for a night, Raleigh to stay with Louise and go to a football game, and last weekend I went to Wilmington and saw lots of people who I hadn't seen in a while. (And it's always good to see Jess, Ling, Stiz, & Kathryn ;] ). I also got to go to Savannah, GA for the Labor Day Weekend and stay with my cousins. (Above picture.) It was awesomeee! We stayed out on Sean's new boat allll day Saturday and Sunday and they spoiled me like never before. I had SO much fun, THANKS Sean, Heather, and Amy! But I definitely can't forget the Wayne County Agricultural Fair (AKA: "The Fair"). Oh yes, the fair ended this past weekend and thankfully I got to go twice haha. Last wednesday Louise was home for Fall Break from NCSU so we went together and eveeeeryyyonnne was there....probably thanks to the high school cheerleading competition that was that night. So much fun though...the fair always is haha, and many hilarious sightings and stories to talk about. But as for today, it's been so rainy and gloomy....definitely the coldest day so far by a long shot. And it's been cold ALL day, not just parts of it. But I get paaaaid today, hollerrrr, so I'm off to KKD to pick up dat check! Then it's off to the Buy One, Get One 1/2 Off sale at Rack Room...haha, you know! ;)

hope everybody has a great week. holler if you're in goldsboro cause you know i'll be here.
(ps: i just turned the tv on and the girl in this soap--laying in bed with another guy--looks like she's about 14. seriously?)

Friday, July 24, 2009

OH HAPPY DAY, You washed my sin away!

hey heyyyy. i'm keepin it short this time..but 2 main things:

1. just got back from BigStuf Camp in daytona beach for the week with church, and as also, it was AMAZZZZIIIING. i hadn't been since 9th grade, and this time i went as a leader, so it was definitely a different experience. i had such an amazing time and met so many new people and got to know others that i might have already kinda known. amazzzing. can't wait to see what God's got planned next. here's a little taste of the bigstuf band ft. steve fee. holla.

2. you should check out the Raptastic Dance Groove videos on YouTube. it's MalP and my partner JayCE teachin 2 new dance moves yall may have never seen before. here's the 1st dance move, , but there are 2 moves in all, an intro, an outro, aaaand a music video to City High's "What Would You Do?" check 'em out!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

whoa whoa whoa

well folks, a lot has happened since last post...

-i finished summer school
-louise, mary catherine, and i officially labeled ourselves "Cougars"
-kelly mercer is my new bff
-hadley brought jon jon to officially meet the grandparents...among other things
-4th of july
-and most importantly....Michael Jackson died :'(

yes, thats right...i said most importantly. call me crazy, but i have been a huge MJ fan for seeeveral years now and i was so sad to hear that he had a heart attack. so within the past 2 weeks i have successfully watched 2 entire documentaries, completed 2 MJ magazines, listened to every MJ/Jackson 5 song i think i've ever heard of...5 times. aaand finally, watched his entire memorial service on tv yesterday. i probably just lost a lot of friends by saying that, but if you cant get over the fact that i love him, we cant be friends.

moving back to the top of the list...summer school was over about 3 weeks ago and i moved out of the apartment with lindsey and jess. sad day. i wish i were still there to go to the pool with ling everyday after class and then go eat at On The Border every night..but life just isn't fair. and not to mention that i haven't seen my nephew Maddox Mal P since i left and i'm sure he misses me greatly.

the weekend after i moved out Louise and i went down to atlantic beach to stay with mary catherine. tons of fun, i must say. we all came to accept the fact that we are Cougars--or at least have been in the past--and we are completely okay with that. we laughed the whole time we were there and it was great.

moving along, after a full year of trying to make plans, kelly and i have officially hung out now. we went to see My Sister's Keeper a couple weeks ago. good movie, but i couldnt really get that into it. regardless, i'd still recommend it. let me tell you, this girl and i could talk for daaays without running out of things to talk about. that's why we need to get together again soon. but not a movie this time because you can't talk in those....stupid us.

next on the list...jonathan and hadley came to goldsboro for dinner a couple weeks ago and that was a good time. learned lots about jonathan-- he's not muslim, he does not have a british accent...nor a stuttering problem, he cannot hold the salad bowl and scoop his salad at the same time (it's okay J, it takes talent and many years of practice), and he wears designer jeans. (yeah, you probably didn't think i noticed the Citizens you were wearing...niiiice)

finally we come to last weekend which was 4th of July. yay America! i went back to wilmington for the weekend to stay with L&J and it was...interesting haha. that is definitely the longest i have EVER stayed out on the beach in one day in my entire life. we made ourselves wake up at 7:30am saturday morning so we could leave by 8am. i can't believe we actually did it, but we did get ON the beach around 8:30am and stayed right there until 5:00pm. 8.5 hours on the beach...aaam i serious? yes. that weekend was definitely a success, except that we almost missed the fireworks downtown and just ended up watching them while sitting in the car, but that was all we needed.

sooooo anywho...for the 3 people who actually read this blog, sorry it's been over a month. i'll try to be better about it from now on. maybe.
